Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What I Learned

We've lived in SoCal for four months now, and I can honestly say that we are official Californians.  We've experienced the fun things like Hollywood, the beach, and Disneyland.  We've experienced the uniquely Californian things like earthquakes, Santa Ana winds, and wildfires.  Now that we've had our first wildfire experience, I can look back and reflect on what I've learned from the past two days.
  • The month of October is known for the Santa Ana winds and wildfires in SoCal.
  • The Santa Ana winds really blow.
  • The Santa Ana winds magnify the destruction of wildfires.
  • You just never know when it comes to wildfires.  The fire may be moving one direction one minute, and then the complete opposite direction ten minutes later.  There is no guarantee because the wind and the fire have a life of their own.
  • Much like native Texans view tornado watches as "just" a tornado watch and don't really feel a sense of urgency until a tornado warning is issued, those who have lived in SoCal for any length of time view wildfires as "just another fire" and they don't prepare for evacuations until the fire has reached the house next door.
  • In fact, they really don't call for evacuations until the fire is right upon your house.
  • Face masks are not just for mowing lawns.  They are a necessity.  The smoke lingers for days.
  • It really does rain ash.  Looks a lot like large white/grey snowflakes coming down.
  • You get used to the smell of smoke on your clothes.  Even when they are fresh out of the dryer.
  • Some people don't have a clue what they would take in case of an evacuation.  Other people have a list of what they would take.  Whether or not they know where those items are is another thing.  Me - I have my things in Rubbermaid tubs on a shelf in the garage ready to load into the car.  The only outstanding  items to grab in the house are medicines and Eddie & Myrtle.  I guess I suffer from the I'm New To California And I've Never Done This disease.
  • The helicopters and airplanes that bring water to the fires are really cool.  And they are huge!  And they retrieve water anywhere it can be found.  The golf course in our neighborhood, for example.
  • You get really tired of hearing the same helicopters and airplanes constantly flying overhead.  And then, when they are gone, you kind of miss their noise.
  • The people here are really generous and thoughtful.  Many offers came our way to camp out at their houses in case we needed to evacuate.  SoCal people take care of each other.
  • Schools and businesses close for fire days instead of ice days.
  • Everything is just material.  It's all stuff.  You find out what is really important to you when you have to fit it all inside of a four door sedan.


The Craftypigs said...

sounds like you've found a cure for the disease "Alottastuff". Burn it to the ground. How simple.

JD said...

Very well stated.... kinda fun in an odd sort of way, huh. Exciting at least - So glad you guys are here!

Memi and Grandaddy said...

Does my pewter fall under the category of 'material things'? Of course, I would rather hear about you and the kids taking pillows, blankets and toys into your closet under the stairs, reading and playing games when we are under a toronado warning. Oh well, I guess it is what it is.

Love you bunches,


Jenn B said...

Welcome to Southern California. Glad you're here! :-)

Moore Memories said...

Just getting updated on my blog friends...Please stay dafe sweet friends~I am praying for everyone!