Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rainy Day in Simi

All week the weather forecast has called for rain on Saturday.  And since it doesn't rain here very often, this is BIG news.  Kind of like when Dallas has a wintry weather mix with ice in the forecast and it consumes the headlines of the newspapers and every news broadcast.  Everyone is talking about the pending rain.  The L.A. Times mentions the "Early Fall Storm" heading our way.  Even the moms at school were full of conversation about the upcoming rain.  "You know it is going to rain on Saturday."  "Can you believe it is going to rain on Saturday?"  "The weather is calling for rain on Saturday!"  

And so we awoke this sleepy Saturday morning to none other than rain.  A slow every-now-and-then sprinkle is more like it.  But since there has been no precipitation of any kind since I've moved here, I'll joyfully take the little sprinkling of rain.  The mountains look stunning with rain clouds hanging low over the tops.  The air feels cool (high of only 67 degrees today).  The city seems to have come to a stop in awe of the rain.  It is good.  It is very good.


The Craftypigs said...

Rained all day.... it was wonderful!

Wendy Wilshire said...

I'm glad y'all got your rain. There's nothing worse than getting everyone's expectations up then being disappointed. It rained really hard here this morning - perfect for a Monday. Hugs!

Memi and Grandaddy said...

We had a Texas rain here this morning. The kind of rain that when you wake up you don't want to get up but stay under the covers and be half asleep so you can still hear it. Then in true Texas form the sun comes out and the humidity kicks in. But the rain was nice.

And we're supposed to have rain most of the week.

Glad you enjoyed yours!

Love ya,
