Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tony Hawk Time

Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk seems to be at the forefront of Carson's mind these days.  Although he has never seen a picture of Tony Hawk or never seen him skateboard, he professes to be a Tony Hawk expert (thanks to owning two Tony Hawk swim trunks!).  While taking a break from swimming in the spa (which is a ginormous kiddie pool), Carson wanted to show me his best Tony Hawk pose.  And of course, Calleigh had to show me her best Tony Hawk's sister's pose.  Don't know if he even has a sister, but she had to find a way to throw herself into the mix.  At least she decided to wear her safety gear instead of just holding it like Carson.  Here you go:


Anonymous said...

To borrow (ever so slightly) from the Beach Boys...

" I wish they all could be

Lookin' good indeed...very West Coast ya know.

Ma and Pa

Anonymous said...

Ma's "jus lookin" right now
still learning how to blog...

Miss you all!


Kim and JD said...

Love it, looks right up Carson's alley...He is such an adventurous soul, that is what we love about him. Give him hugs from us.
Calleigh looks to sweet in all her pink safety gear, tell my Sunshine Aunt Kimmie said HI :)

Memi and Grandaddy said...

LOVE those pictures. Every time I see pink I think of little Miss Calleigh. FOUR MORE DAYS! We are all so excited. Steve and Wendy are trying to figure out what excuse they can use for the girls at school. They decided honesty was the best policy so will go to school and talk to the principle. Nothing like going to school 3 days and leaving for California. BUT, California here we come.

See you soon,


Love you all!