Friday, July 13, 2007

For Those About to Rock, We Salute You

Scene from the Crumrine family car-

Calleigh: {Looks quietly over at Carson and flashes him the "Longhorn" sign.}
Carson: MOM! Calleigh just flashed me the Longhorn sign!! She KNOWS I like the Aggies!!
Parent (Does it really matter which one?) : Just look out your own windows and leave each other alone!
Calleigh: {After waiting to be sure neither parental unit is watching- again flashes the "Longhorn" sign.}
Parent: Calleigh! Please don't bother your brother and please stop flashing him the "Longhorn" sign. Carson, just look out your window and ignore her.
Calleigh: {Looks over at Carson. Slowly......defiantly........looking straight at him........raises only her pinky ( gotta love her style)}
Carson: MOOOOMMMMM!!!!!


Obviously, Calleigh takes after me and Carson after his mother. I'm just sayin'.

Several days later, I'm trying to explain to Carson why Calleigh does things like the "Longhorn" sign. I tell him "Calleigh really does love you. She thinks you're a cool big brother and she just wants to interact with you. She doesn't always know the words to say, so she does things that she knows will get a reaction from you."

As I said, Calleigh takes after me. However, she has an excuse. She is four. I am not.

There are times that words are spontaneous and easy flowing. I know for us, there are also times that communication does not come easy. We know that we need and want to interact and are seeking genuine responses but we either don't have the words or are just too lazy and we end up giving each other the "Longhorn" sign or the verbal equivalent thereof. I guess we never totally grow out of it.

Lucky for me, my family knows sign language.

Gig -em.


Kim and JD said...

Funny enough, not one bit of that story suprises me at all. Yes, you do have to love Calleigh's little attempt at getting a "rise" out of Carson. I do believe you are right about her taking after you, Michael....hehe

Jennifer and Michael said...

I swear if I didn't know better I would have thought that I was reading about the occurance in my car on the way home from picking blueberries today. We should never feel "out of the ordinary" as parents. That behavior is timeless and indiscriminate. So glad to see someone other than the wives making posts. Way to go Michael.

tricia sexton said...

Wouldn't it be great if cars came equipped with those sound proof dividers between the front and the back seats?
I was just wishing I had one the other day......


Kim and JD said...

Tricia, I second you thought....I bet we could make millions on that.

Mama D said...

michael, you are so witty. Would have loved to have seen that one b/w the kids. How the younger ones know exactly how to push the right buttons of their older siblings. I'll definitely remember the longhorn sign from now on.