Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School

It's back to school today!  Here is Calleigh, my first grader, in her classroom.

And Carson, my third grader, in his classroom.

And the annual picture in front of the fireplace.

Oh, wait, that's just us being silly!  Here are the real annual pictures:

Happy Back To School Day!


Kim and JD said...

Love the Pics-Especially you and Mikey. I cant believe how much the two of you have grown since last year :-)
Carson looks handsome and Calleigh looks beautiful!! Give them both BIG BIG higs from Texas and tell them we are so happy they had a great first day and we are so proud of them.

Kim and JD said...

OK I meant HUGS!!!! I dont know what higs are ??

Moore Memories said...

Your babies are growing up...I hope they have another amazing year! I bet it feels good to not be the "new kids" anymore! They are pros now!

Memi and Grandaddy said...

I can't believe I didn't post to this blog. Carson and Calleigh, you are growing up so fast. Love your pictures in your classroom. And, silly Mom and Dad. Tell Aunt Kim I don't know what higs are either and I grew up in small town Mansfield where we have aggs (eggs) and lags (legs) and then there is always Memi's favorite word. It has to do with laundry. Have a great day.

Love you lots,
